Dr. sc. Nikolina Kalčec, mag. Appl. chem. Has successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Design and characterization of gold and selenium nanoparticles as potential systems for the delivery of levodopa and dopamine”, under the mentorship of dr. sc. Ivan Vinković Vrček, scientific advisor and prof. emer. Frances Separovic. The defense was held on May 12, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. in lecture room 222 of the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Zagreb.
Dr. sc. Kalčec defended her dissertation under the title “Design and characterization of gold and selenium nanoparticles as potential systems for the delivery of levodopa and dopamine” before a committee composed of: prof. dr. sc. Snežana Miljanić from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics; assoc. dr. sc. Marko Močibob from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics and dr. sc. Maja Dutour Sikirić, senior research associate at the Ruđer Bošković Institute.
With this, Nikolina Kalčec has successfully completed her post-graduate study in Chemistry, obtaining the title: Doctor of Science.